In the summer of 1964, divers working off Lucayan Beach, Grand Bahama Island, found an unusual anchor on the seabed. This anchor lacked the usual cross arms which indicated that it came from an early vessel. The next day, the divers located two cannons, ballast stones and silver coins. The boat had grounded, it appeared,…
Treasure Blog
Rare British “Lima” Coins Commemorating Victories over the Spanish!
In 1745 and 1746, many British silver coin issues were minted with the word “LIMA” just below King George II’s portrait. This is a curious feature seeing as Lima, Peru was a colony owned by Spain at this time and King Philip V of Spain and King George II of England were at war. It…
Read more Rare British “Lima” Coins Commemorating Victories over the Spanish! »
Mintages for Lima 8 Escudos From 1659-1750
When the Spanish discovered the New World in 1492, the one commodity they sought after more than any other was gold. Once they found any quantity of it, it was melted down at the colonial mint and converted into coins and ingots so it could be shipped back to Spain. The coins were known as…
What to Look for When Buying Spanish Cobs
When collecting coins in general, it is very important to educate yourself prior to spending your hard-earned money, especially if you are considering buying expensive raw coins that have not been professionally authenticated or graded. This is crucial when buying uncertified Spanish or Spanish Colonial cobs as there are many fakes out in the market…
The History and Significance of Spanish Reales
The History and Significance of Spanish Reales As a numismatist and shipwreck coin enthusiast, I have spent countless hours delving into the captivating world of Spanish reales. These remarkable coins hold a unique place in history and remain a treasure for collectors worldwide. In this article, we will explore the history of Spanish reales, their…
Real or Fake? How to Spot Counterfeit Spanish Cob Coins
Spanish cob coins, with their unique shapes and historical significance, are treasures that many collectors and enthusiasts covet. These coins, minted in the Spanish colonies between the 16th and 18th centuries, tell stories of exploration, trade, and conquest. However, their allure also makes them prime targets for counterfeiters. Identifying fake Spanish cob coins is crucial…
Read more Real or Fake? How to Spot Counterfeit Spanish Cob Coins »
Expert Reviews: Which Spanish Coins Are the Best to Buy Now?
“The past whispers to us through the treasures it leaves behind, and few whispers are as rich as those of Spanish coins.” Imagine standing on the deck of a sunken galleon, the cold, dark waters of the Atlantic pressing around you. As you dive into the depths, your flashlight catches a glint of gold. You…
Read more Expert Reviews: Which Spanish Coins Are the Best to Buy Now? »
The 1722 Lima 8 Escudos – A Treasure From the Golden Age of Piracy!
In this article you will learn about the rare 1722 Lima 8 Escudos and the Golden Age of Piracy!
Read more The 1722 Lima 8 Escudos – A Treasure From the Golden Age of Piracy! »
Marcus Bloch’s Sea Devil!
In this article, we will take a look at the work of 18th century Ichthyologist Marcus Eliezer Bloch and his infamous Sea Devil!
The Rare 1713 Lima 8 Escudos
In this article, we will take a look at a very rare 1713 over 1712 date Lima 8 Escudos recovered from a shipwreck!