1658 Potosi 1 Real PCGS XF-40 – Finest Known!

Item #CC-0647 | 1658 Potosi 1 Real PCGS XF-40 – Finest Known!
Mint: Potosi, Bolivia
Assayer: “E” Antonio de Elgueta

Ruler/Period: King Philip IV
Grade: XF-40

For details and population on this coin from PCGS, click on the serial number here: 50916775

Description: This is a rare double dated 1 real from the Potosi mint struck in 1658. Graded at PCGS as XF-40, this gem of a coin is the finest graded example in their database. The obverse has a nearly complete center with all identifying details, as well as a full crown. On the reverse, part of the legend can be seen along with a 58 date and a great cross. A real gem of a coin!

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